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What method to use for making coffee?


With the rise of the third wave and specialty coffee, one thing is certain, everyone has access to good coffee! All you need is a minimum of equipment and freshly roasted coffee beans. For some, making coffee must be done quickly, while for others, it is part of the daily coffee experience. To help you better find your way among the many methods that exist, we have thought of summarizing several options available to you. Most people don't have an espresso machine at home, so knowing the brewing methods will certainly help you prepare your coffee and choose the one that is right for you.

Depending on the time you wish to devote to the preparation of your coffee, it is always possible to bring out the notes and flavors of the coffee beans and taste the full potential of the unique aromatic profile of your coffee. The required material :

With automatic coffee machines, making coffee has become very simple with a button that does the whole process to have the desired coffee. But, have you ever thought of making your own coffee? The required equipment is as follow::

  • Water at adequate temperature (if it is tap water, remember to filter it)

  • A freshly roasted and freshly ground specialty coffee (grind it on request)

  • A scale and a timer

Espresso machine & filter coffee AeroPress French press Italian coffee maker Electric filter coffee maker

Manual filter coffee maker Chemex V60 Espresso Machine & Filter Coffee :

Espresso machines brew coffee very quickly, using more than 125 psi (pounds per square inch) to force water through the coffee grounds. They produce a concentrated, syrupy coffee drink called espresso. It can be delicious on its own, although the concentration is not for everyone's taste, and espresso is the basis of lattes and cappuccinos. Did you know? An espresso (30 - 40 ml) uses roughly 18 g of ground coffee. A 300 ml cup of coffee (10 oz) uses also 18 g of ground coffee.

The same amount of coffee grounds (the residue from its brew) dissolves in a properly prepared espresso and filter coffee (regular) in each situation (around 20%). This is only possible due to the very fine grind used in the espresso and the enormous amount of pressure applied during the brewing of the espresso. Many people prefer filter coffee, which contains much more water. Due to the difference in preparation, filter coffees and espresso coffees differ in quantity and taste. It is important to follow the recommended parameters (coffee / water ratio for filter and espresso) for each coffee. You will find this information on each coffee page on our site. Manual infusion techniques:

Infusion is experiencing strong growth in popularity since it makes it possible to taste more the notes and flavors of a coffee when it is prepared with precision and with the right equipment.

AeroPress is a simple method to master, very versatile (allows you to brew good coffee anywhere, anytime, with a minimum of equipment) and gives a soft and silky coffee in a single minute. It is a complete immersion process, like a French press, but filtered through paper. And, like espresso, it uses a pressurized brewing environment to create a rich, silky body. The brewing time is reduced compared to filter coffee and the ground beans are completely immersed in hot water, giving body to the final product.

The French press (also known as a Bodum) is one of coffee lovers' favorite methods at home. Certainly the easiest method to prepare a filter type coffee to obtain excellent cup quality in a few minutes and a coffee with lots of body and a beautiful aromatic profile. The French press is often used to taste coffee from unique origins, it is simple to use, quick to brew and easy to clean.

  1. Pour a measuring spoon (about 7.5g) per cup

  2. Pour hot water up to 2cm from the edge

  3. Let the coffee brew for 4 minutes

  4. Press evenly to the bottom

  5. Enjoy your coffee!

Italian Coffee Maker

The most famous coffee maker in the world is made up of two sections which are separated by a filter, in which a dose of ground coffee is placed. By adding water in the lower part, this, when heated, rises in the form of pressurized steam which, passing through the filter, mixes with ground coffee. There are several types: the classic Italian aluminum coffee maker, the Italian induction coffee maker (usually stainless steel) and the electric Italian coffee maker with a base to heat the coffee.

  1. Pour filtered water (160ml) into the tank at the bottom of the coffee maker until you reach the safety valve.

  2. Fill the central funnel of the coffee maker with 15 g of coffee. It is recommended that you tap the bottom of the coffee maker using the scale so that the surface of the coffee is flat.

  3. Screw on the top compartment of the coffee maker.

  4. To heat the coffee, it is advisable to use a low heat or a heat source at medium temperature to avoid overheating of the coffee maker, which will affect the quality of the drink.

  5. Leave for 5 minutes, after that the coffee will appear in the top compartment of the coffee maker.

  6. One minute later, remove the coffee pot from the heat or switch off the heating source and quickly immerse the bottom part in the container filled with cold or ice water.

Electric Filter Coffee Maker

  1. Put your paper filter in the filter holder and rinse it (briefly) with clean water.

  2. Pour about 7.5g of coffee per cup (for a 10-15 cup coffee maker, count about 75g).

  3. Pour about 12.5cl of water per cup (so for a 10-15 cup coffee maker, count 125cl)

  4. Start the coffee maker and let it run.

  5. Enjoy your coffee!

Manuel Filter Coffee Maker

  1. Place a paper filter in the filter holder, rinse it with clean water and empty your receptacle.

  2. Pour about 7.5g of coffee per cup.

  3. Heat approximately 12.5cl of water per cup between 86 ° C and 90 ° C.

  4. Pour water evenly over your grind in circles, up to 60-80g of water. This is the pre-infusion step.

  5. Wait 30 seconds, your grind will degas and swell.

  6. Continue to pour slowly using the same circular gestures until the water runs out. Make sure your total infusion does not exceed 4 minutes!

  7. Let cool two minutes before tasting!

Chemex is one of the most popular sweet methods and is ideal for coffee lovers looking for a cup of sweet coffee with less bitterness. Created in 1941, the Chemex coffee maker is made of manual overturning glass. With its paper filter, which is thicker (and therefore filters more coffee), it offers a coffee which has a light body and brings out the aromatic profile of the beans. The sweetness of this method is very similar to brewing tea. Its design and function are just as simple: the coffee is brewed in the upper half. Once the filter is removed, the Chemex becomes a superb carafe.

V60 produces the most consistent and tasty coffee of all brewing methods. On the market since 1921, the V60 concept was revisited in 2004 to add the distinctive ribs lifting the filter from the walls and a larger hole to obtain a faster flow and more clarity in the cup. This method was named after the 60 degree angle created by the shape of the cone. The water passes through the ground coffee by gravitational force. The filter is a little thinner than that of Chemex, which gives a little more body to the coffee, while letting the notes and flavors pass. This method gives one or two cups as needed, however it requires special and constant attention when pouring, to ensure that all of the ground coffee is evenly watered.

Specialty coffee satisfies all tastes. What are the notes and flavors that match yours? Among the vast choices and varied cup results, it's like everything, you just have to take a look at the question before. We have created six categories of notes and flavors to help you choose the coffees that suit your tastes.


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